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AromaSense V2 Basic Fundamentals

SKU 00009
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Product Details

Basic Fundamentals AromaSense includes:

  • Aromatics table – 143 Essential oils, CO2’s and Absolutes with 23 fields of information
  • Carrier Oils – 39 Carrier Oils including CO2’s with 14 fields
  • Dilutions Calculator – makes creating blends a snap
  • Misc – use this table to collect all your aromatherapy information
  • Botanical Families – includes 20 of the most common botanical families used for aromatherapy
  • Lookup Tables for Therapeutic Properties, Vendors, Synergies

CONDITIONS OF USE •Your purchase of AromaSense is for a SINGLE user and is not to be given or shared with any other party or parties.

•By purchasing AromaSense you indicate that you will adhere to the above conditions.

Following the purchase, an email is sent that includes the setup instructions.

Support for AromaSense is through AromaSense and and not through Airtable Support.

The developers of this software application are not aromatherapists nor doctors. The data within this application should not replace medical advise. Please go to a doctor if you have any medical issues. While we have taken every effort to provide accurate information within this application and have researched thoroughly, it is still your responsibility to research each oil and determine if it is the right oil for you. If you have allergies to any of the plants, please do not use the oils from those plants. If you have children, please take the time to make sure the oils are kid safe for the age(s) of your child(ren). If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please research oils that are safe to use during this time in your life. If you are on medications, please take time to research each oil to see if there are restrictions for the medications you are on. If you have special medical conditions, it is your responsibility to research the oils that may affect your condition. AromaSense takes no responsibility for any inaccuracies in the data and holds you solely responsible if you choose to use the oils.
By downloading this app, you understand that you are accepting sole responsibility to use the application, that do not hold Lynnette Crouse, AromaSense, any of the contributors, or any of the contents of this app responsible for what happens as a result of your use of essential oils.

AromaSense V2 Basic Fundamentals

AromaSense 1 Users

If you purchased Version 1 you are eligible for a significant savings! Email me at with the email address you used to purchase Version 1 and I'll send you the discount code!If you're looking for Version 1.0 go here.

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